María de Cárcamo
Name: María de Cárcamo
María de Cárcamo is designated as Manceba of King Enrique II. The historical manceba is called Juana de Cárcamo, mother of Isabel and Inés Enríquez de Castilla, who profess in the convent of Santa Clara la Real in Toledo.
Quoted in:
Text: Cancionero de Baena (Dutton PN1); Dutton, Brian y Joaquín González Cuenca, eds., Cancionero de Juan Alfonso de Baena, Madrid, Visor, 1993. The page is not found now. Alternatively see BDTEA (Biblioteca Digital de Textos del Español Antiguo. Textos Poéticos Españoles).
ID1169, PN1-24, “¡Biva siempre ensalçado” (BDTEA).
Quoted by:
Alfonso Álvarez de Villasandino (ID1169I).
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