El gabán de don Enrique el Doliente (1968)
Author: Ausona, Roberto de
Title: El gabán de don Enrique el Doliente (1968)
Genre: short story
Age: Contemporary Age
Description: Included in the anthology Leyendas españolas (1968), of the Barcelonian editorial AFHA (Serie Auriga), it is a rewrite of the legend of Enrique III’s mantle, characterized by a high descriptive level, by the numerous amplifications with respect to the original legend and by the eagerness for verisimilitude. In general, it is faithful to the anecdote collected in the Sumario del despensero, although the important role that the royal page acquires in the development of the story —he helps the monarch to get in the banquet of the noblemen—and the appearance of the most emotional side of the Trastámara stand out in this version
Key characters: Enrique III. Azor. Governor of Toledo.
- Study:
- Gómez Alonso, Alejandra Fátima (2021), “Del gabán del rey al rey solito. Enrique III el Doliente al servicio de la infancia”.
- Additional bibliography.
- Media:
- Gómez Alonso, Alejandra Fátima. Pedagogical rewritings of the legend of Henry III, 20th and 21st centuries.
- Links:
- Real Academia de la Historia. Enrique III.
- RTVE. Memoria de España. La época de las tragedias (1348-1485).
- Study: