Enrique III de Castilla
Author: Anonymous (1820)
Title: Enrique III de Castilla
Genre: theater
Age: Contemporary Age
Description: The drama has reached our days in two handwritten, digitized and accessible copies: the first one from the catalogue of the Biblioteca Nacional de España (catalogue number MSS/18075), dated 1820, and the second one, non-dated, from the catalogue of the University Library of Freiburg (catalogue number NL 36/06). It is a rewrite of the legend of Enrique III’s mantle with a political background and exalted liberal ideology. In it, the severity with which the king subdues his internal enemies and takes control of his government is put in parallel with the attitude that the liberal intelligentsia expects from Fernando VII at the beginning of the Liberal Triennium. ““La enardecida defensa de los valores constitucionales, abanderada por un rey que se impone a una nobleza representante del Antiguo Régimen y respaldada por un pueblo que clama libertad, aporta una contundencia ideológica al drama que le permite gozar de un éxito considerable en sus diferentes representaciones a lo largo del Trienio y, posteriormente, durante la regencia de María Cristina” (Gómez Alonso 2021).
Key characters: Enrique III. Catalina de Lancaster. Alvar Núñez. Garci Téllez. Mendo. Gutiérrez. Sancho. The people. King’s guards.
MULIER: Catalina de Lancaster
- Text:
- Studies:
- Gómez Alonso, Alejandra Fátima (2021), "Un drama exaltado del Trienio Liberal: Enrique III de Castilla”, Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo, 27: 561-580.
- Additional bibliography.
- Media:
- Ribao Pereira, Montserrat. The Romantic interest in the first Castilian Trastámara.
- Ribao Pereira, Montserrat. The nineteenth-century dramas of the rey doliente.
- Links:
- Canal UNED. Catalina de Lancaster.
- Real Academia de la Historia. Enrique III.
- Real Academia de la Historia. Catalina de Lancaster.
- RTVE. Memoria de España. ¡Vivan las caenas!