Tecer. Galician transitive verb: enlazar unha serie de fíos paralelos con outra serie colocada perpendicularmente, formando un tecido ou unha tea (RAG)/ link a series of parallel threads with another series placed perpendicularly, forming a fabric or cloth.

TECER (TExtos, Contextos, Ecos y Relecturas) is the digital library created by the NOCELBA research group to address the re-readings and rewritings (literary, artistic, audiovisual) of the Cancionero de Baena and its context, to allow the study of the delicate and complex fabric of the first poesía cancioneril from a diachronic perspective.

Who we are

The NOCELBA group is made up of researchers in Spanish literature from eight European universities, who study the literary environment of the Cancionero de Baena, as well as the readings and rewritings which this context has been subjected to from the 15th century to the present day. The editors of the resources offered by the TECER Library and its database are Professors Antonio Chas Aguión and Montserrat Ribao Pereira, from the University of Vigo. All members of the group participate in the preparation of materials:

The group was first born in 2009 with researchers from the University of Vigo and, since then, it has been enriched with the gradual integration of the different specialists that make up the current payroll. The collaboration of research personnel in training from the University of Vigo is also added.

The group has received grants from the University of Vigo (Research and Educational Innovation) and has worked under the protection of different competitive projects of the Xunta de Galicia (code INCITE09 104 249 PR) and the National Research Plan: Proyectos FFI2015-64107-P (MINECO-FEDER, EU) and PGC2018-093619-B-I00 (MCIU / AEI / FEDER, EU).