Economía. Enrique III
Author: Pascual de Sanjuán, Pilar (1864)
Title: Economía. Enrique III
Genre: other
Age: Contemporary Age
Description: Chapter XXXIV from the book Preceptos morales para la infancia basados en hechos históricos (Pascual de Sanjuán 1864: 164-169), published in the Barcelonian printing house of Juan Bastinos and aimed to children education. This chapter focuses on the main keys of the domestic economy and the legend of Enrique III’s mantle is used as an argument of authority to explain the mistake of delegating the management of one’s own goods to other people. In the recreation of the anecdote, the interrogation scene unfolds without the slightest trace of violence at the feast of one of the noblemen, where the king just tell them off and deprive them of the intervention on state issues and the administration of his goods.
Key characters: Enrique III
- Text. (Google Books).
- Studies:
- Aguado, Ana María (1995), “Pilar Pascual de Sanjuán. El trabajo femenino al servicio de lo doméstico”, Arenal: Revista de Historia de las Mujeres, vol. 2, 2: 337-344.
- Gómez Alonso, Alejandra Fátima (2021), “Del gabán del rey al rey solito. Enrique III el Doliente al servicio de la infancia”.
- Ribao Pereira, Montserrat (2019), “El gabán de Enrique III en la narrativa breve decimonónica”, Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, 41: 41-55.
- Additional bibliography.
- Media:
- Gómez Alonso, Alejandra Fátima. Henry III’s coat. Pedagogical rewritings of the 18th-19th centuries.
- Ribao Pereira, Montserrat. The Romantic writers and the Trastámara of Castile.
- Links:
- Real Academia de la Historia. Enrique III.
- Real Academia de la Historia. Pilar Pascual de Sanjuán.
Alejandra Fátima Gómez Alonso. Citation.