Searches in TECER


Enter at least three characters for your search. There is no case difference or words with / without accents. The results will be all the titles, authors or genres in which the selected characters appear. Thus, a search starting with “nov” will list all the novels, the titles that contain this word, the stories published in November or in a volume globally titled Novísimo romancero, for example.


It is made from at least one of these fields: author (name or surname; at least three characters), genre (novel, short story, poem, theatre, other), age (Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age; it refers to the time the work is written / edited), title (at least three characters). From this search, works with illustrations can be listed andyou can access the gallery corresponding to each title. No italics or quotation marks are used.


All the information contained in this portal is available to the scientific community and, in general, to society, under the Creative Commons license. Attribution – NonCommercial – NoDerivatives (by-nc-nd): Commercial use of the original work or the generation of derivative works is not allowed.  More information:

The configuration of TECER and the data contained in the digital Library and in the database are protected by the Intellectual Property Law. The information it contains may be used for research and teaching purposes and never for commercial or advertising purposes. More information in Legal notice.

Data obtained from TECER should be cited according to the following examples:

a) Own edition of texts and studies: Ceide, María, “Alfonso Pérez de Vivero. Leyenda del siglo XV”, in Antonio Chas Aguión and Montserrat Ribao Pereira, eds., TECER. Textos, contextos, ecos y relecturas, Vigo, Universidade de Vigo, 2020. Accessible at * URL * [consultation date].

b) Signed file: Landín, María Teresa, “Manuel Fernández y González. Don Juan el Segundo o El bufón del rey ”, in Antonio Chas Aguión and Montserrat Ribao Pereira, eds., TECER. Textos, contextos, ecos y relecturas, Vigo, Universidad de Vigo, 2020. Accessible at * URL * [consultation date].

c) Files without signature, illustrations and media: Antonio Chas Aguión and Montserrat Ribao Pereira, “Narciso Blanch e Illa, Doce años de regencia (crónica del siglo XV)”,  TECER. Textos, contextos, ecos y relecturas, Vigo, Universidad de Vigo, 2020. Accessible at * URL * [consultation date].